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Tim Duma - How to Make New Friends?

Tim Duma is a professional businessman from Denver, CO who keeps busy schedules but enjoys his free time thoroughly with his friends. Tim Duma is excellent at networking both professionally and personally. Unfortunately, many of us aren’t blessed with the inherent confidence of Timothy Duma, but that doesn’t mean you can’t easily make new friends! Tips like these will have you socializing with people like you in no time:

Take Classes

Is there something you’d like to learn to do? Or do better? Take local classes and be as social as you can. Learning alongside others creates lasting bonds and makes it easier to feel comfortable for all parties. Plus, when everyone is there to learn, there’s no shame in making mistakes.


If you’re passionate about event one thing – from saving starving animals to helping kids build robots in school – you can make friends just as easily as Timothy Duma. Look for volunteer organizations that center on your passion, sign up for regular shifts and show up. This will put you in contact with a group of people who share your interests. If you’re shy, wait until you’ve completed five or six shifts and you’ll likely feel comfortable enough to start socializing.

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